rotring-hische GmbH

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Rough Separation (pre-separating)

Rough separation (pre-separating)

In this section coarse separators are used to separate the large solid and liquid to protect the fine filters and to increase significantly their service life. The most used type of the rough filtration are Scrubbers or Knock Out Drum systems.

KO Drum
Cyclone Separator


There are different types of scrubber available:

  • Baffle plate separator
  • Single-Cyclone separator
  • Multi-Cyclone separator
  • etc.

The different types are used according to the contamination of the gas with solids and liquids. A separation efficiency of 25 – 10 µm can be achieved with these systems. The separation efficiency is largely dependent on the type used and a significant design factor is the scrubber diameter.

Knock out drum

A separation efficiency of 25 – 20 µm of solids and liquids can be achieved with separation systems. These separation efficiency are largely dependent on scrubber diameter. This separation type used especially due to the following issues:

  • Efficient liquid filtration for coarse particles
  • primary filter for pre-separation; scrubber
  • Single-stage, almost maintenance-free
  • Large solid & liquid collecting chamber
  • Low differential pressure

Sizes and pressure rating

Pipe sizes

DN 25 – DN 1000

Pressure rating

ANSI 150 / ANSI 300 / ANSI 600 ANSI 900

Main design criteria

System arrangement: 1×100%, 2×100%, 3×50%, with bypass, etc.

Design code: ASME, AD2000, CE, NACE-Code MR 0175 / ISO 15156

Construction: vertical / horizontal

Condensate discharge (manual or automatic)

Corrosion allowance

Third party inspection

All design criteria, sizes or pressure ratings can be offered on request


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